On Fri, 31 Jul 2009 21:28:36 +0000, kj wrote:

> In <e22013d0-fbad-44e0-919b-ad5bb5f2d...@g19g2000vbi.googlegroups.com>
> Carl Banks <pavlovevide...@gmail.com> writes:
>>(omg you have to use a
> That's precisely the point.  There's a huge number of programmers out
> there who, like me, *hate* to use the mouse while they're coding.

Complain to the developers of your web browser then. Or use a different 
web browser.

> It is
> truly disappointing to us that the developers of Python chose to
> completely disregard this constituency.

Python is open source software developed by a community of volunteers, so 
*you* are one of the developers of Python. You have an itch that needs 
scratching. Solve it yourself, and release it to the wider community, 
don't expect somebody else to do so.

Nobody is entitled to any functionality in Python. You can ask for it 
nicely, and if somebody thinks it's a good idea, and have nothing better 
to do, they may code it out of the goodness of their heart. Or you can do 
it yourself, or you can pay somebody to do it if you don't have the 
technical skill yourself. Or you can do without.

> This is one area in which Perl still whips Python...

If so, it's because Perl has more people who understand that the way to 
get something done is to do it, rather than whining about it.


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