Anand K Rayudu schrieb:
Dear All,

We have extended and embedded python into my our application.
We exposed few APIs to python using

Py_InitModule("myModuleName", myMethods);
where my methods are

static PyMethodDef VistaDbMethods[] = {
  { (char *)"myAPI",_myAPICFunctionPtr ,METH_VARARGS,"usage: MyHelp)" }

Now problem is ml_doc (Document string). Most of the time the strings given by development team is not descriptive enough, so support team want to enhance these docstring on need basis and supply to customer The idea is we will provide get latest help option from application, which will contact our webserver or allow user to pick new help document, which will re apply the help on fly.
 From then on our script editors will show the new enhanced help.
How do I achieve this.

I tried to change <Module>.<MyAPI>.__doc__ = "My new doc"

This failles as it is read only attribute.

Another approach could be calling Py_InitModule("myModuleName", myMethods); with new help string. But It is not working,
So I am not sure what is the right way to do it

To put the right docstrings into the embedded interpreter. I don't know about your processes, but either the support just suggests better strings & developers put them in there, or maybe some sort of shared header-file could be used that the developers use & support enhances. Something like this:

--- docstrings.h ---

#define VistaDbMethods__doc__ "usage: MyHelp"

And if that's enhanced over time by the support-staff, docs will get better. Hopefully.

Alternatives are:

- beating your developers with a clue-stick into submission that good docs are important
 - write a usage-guide using e.g. sphinx and release that as add-on-docs.


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