Hi all,

I am using pulldom to handle large xml files.It works fine, but i do not
know how to store a particular set of  records(as xml) out of the recordset.
from xml.dom import pulldom
hamlet_file = open("input_xml/inp_test.xml")
events = pulldom.parse(hamlet_file)
for (event, node) in events:
  if event == pulldom.START_ELEMENT:
    if node.tagName == "Record":
     print node  #this does not work as it is a object

Whenever the node name is a Record,i process it. I want to store the all the
nodes meeting my requirement.
  For eg,i need output as below,


Where input xml might contain 'n' number of Records.
I have been struggling to figure it out.I would be happy to get a solution
for this.


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