On Aug 13, 12:57 pm, "Tim Arnold" <tim.arn...@sas.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a python based system that has to run on hp unix and red hat linux.
> The Python version on the HP is 2.4 and the version on the Linux box is 2.6.
> There's nothing I can do about that.
> I think that means I must have two different libraries since the pyc files
> are not cross-version compatible. No problem for the libs like PIL or lxml.
> But for the part of the system I actually code every day, I'd rather not do
> dual maintenance, having two copies of my code for each platform/version.
> I'm guessing I need to configure cvs to copy files to both locations
> whenever I commit. Does that sound right? Is there a better way I'm not
> thinking of?
> thanks,
> --Tim


why would you need to maintain pyc files at all? is having just source
files enough? or am i missing something?


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