On Aug 15, 11:38 am, Mark Lawrence <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:> I wrote the following correct but inefficient 
> test of primality for purposes
> > of demonstrating that the simplest algorithm is often not the most
> > efficient.  But, when I try to run the following code with a value of n that
> > is large enough to produce a significant amount of running time, I get an
> > out-of-memory error!
> > def is_prime(n):
> >    for j in range(2,n):
> >       if (n % j) == 0: return False
> >    return True
> > It seems as though Python is actually expanding range(2,n) into a list of
> > numbers, even though this is incredibly wasteful of memory. There should be
> > a looping mechanism that generates the index variable values incrementally
> > as they are needed.
> I have a strong suspicion that you will find hints in the Python
> documentation that this has already been addressed.  Perhaps you could
> try reading before posting?

Alternative hypothesis: the good doctor read the Python 3.x
documentation but absent-mindedly ran Python 2.x

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