On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 02:12:07 -0500, Mike Meyer wrote:
> Right. But that shouldn't be hard to do. Let genexp stand for a a
> generator expression/list comprehension without any brackets on it at all.
> Then [genexp] is the syntax to expand the list. [(genexp)] is the syntax
> to create a list of one element - a generator object. foo(genexp) will do
> the right thing.

In other words, everything as it is today, only with different
implementations under the hood. :-)

Rolling back around to the original point, I don't see any reason to ban
[x for x in thing], changing current practice, when it is so easy to keep
it. [(x for x in thing)] is also current practice (perhaps "bad style" in
some sense, but definately possible in 2.4), and I don't think there is a
good reason to change that, either.

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