On Sun, 2009-08-23 at 13:13 -0700, David Prager Branner wrote:
> I use Chinese and therefore Unicode very heavily, and so Python 3 is
> an unavoidable choice for me. But I'm frustrated by the fact that
> Django, Pylons, and TurboGears do not support Python 3 yet and
> (according to their development websites) will not for a very long
> time to come.
> So I am asking for recommendations for web frameworks that support
> Python 3. I am running Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty).

Python 2.x has Unicode.  In fact Django and the like use unicode

What's different about Python 3 is that there is only unicode strings,
whereas Python 2 has a string type and a unicode type.

So it's not true that Python 3 is an unavoidable choice for using


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