newbie wrote:
Hi all
I'm interested in developing computer based, interactive programs for
students in a special school who have an aversion to pen and paper.
I've searched the net to find ready made software that will meet my
needs but it is either written to a level much higher than these
students can cope with or priced beyond our school budget. I came
across a blog of someone singing the praises of Python. My question is
therefore aimed at those that know what they are talking about (ie
users in this group). Is Python the language I need to learn to
develop these programs?

I think I'm a bit confused as to just what you're intending, and what your background is. So if this response doesn't fit, please don't be offended.

I'm guessing you don't want these special students to do any programming, but instead you just want to find/develop inexpensive applications for their use. You have some specific ideas, but haven't found anything already available within your budget.

I'm also guessing that you're a total beginner at programming. If so, I claim that most programs are much, much harder to write than you can imagine. Python is one of the easiest languages to learn and to write things in, but even so, most GUI programs take hundreds of hours to develop. And I've been doing it for forty years, in about 30 languages.



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