Stephen Fairchild wrote:
You are trying to run code in a class that does not exist yet.

def Demo():
    def fact(n):
        if n < 2:
            return 1
            return n * fact(n - 1)
    return type("Demo", (object,), {"fact": staticmethod(fact), "_classvar":
Demo = Demo()

d = Demo()
print d._classvar    # prints 120
print d.fact(7)      # prints 5040
print Demo           # prints <class '__main__.Demo'>

In all these messages, something I haven't seen pointed out is that fact() has no self argument. Seems to me that makes it a staticmethod, so it should be declared that way. But you can't call a static method from the class scope, since the class hasn't been completed yet. That's the part I consider a problem, not all the rest. I've seen the same problem in Forth, where 'smudge' is used to prevent a definition from accidentally calling itself. But I don't recall whether that was in the standard, or just vendor's helpful additions.

Anyway, my first choice is to move the static method out of the class. Second choice workaround follows, moving the initialization of the class variable to after the class, when it can properly use the class name.:

class Demo(object):
   def fact(n):
       if n < 2:
           return 1
           return n * Demo.fact(n - 1)

Demo._classvar = Demo.fact(5)

print Demo._classvar
xx = Demo()
print xx.fact(6)


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