On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 10:34:17AM +0000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > He's saying that instead of thinking the integer value of 3 itself being
> > the object, he expected Python's object model would behave as though the
> > entity m is the object, and that object exists to contain an integer
> > value.                                                                      
> >   
> What is "the entity m"?

The entity m is an object.  Objects, in computer science,  are
abstractions created by humans to make solving a large class of
problems easier to think about.  An object is a piece of data, upon
which you can perform programmatic actions, which are grouped together
with the values contained in that data.  It's an abstraction which
translates, in the physical sense, to a group of memory locations with
a reference in a symbol table.

> Ah wait, I think I get it... is m a memory location? 

No, it isn't.  It is an abstraction in the programmer's mind that sits
on top of some memory.  For that matter, the memory location is
itself an abstraction.  It is not a memory location, but a particular
series of circuits which either have current or don't.  It is simply
convenient for us to think of it as a memory location.

> That would be how Pascal and C (and presumably other languages)
> work, but not Python or Ruby or even VB (so I'm told) and similar
> languages.

Well, except that, in fact, they do work that way.  They simply
present a different abstraction to the programmer than C or other
languages.  They have to work that way, at the lowest level, because
that is how the hardware works.

> > Numbers are fundamentally different from objects.  The number 3 is a
> > symbol of the idea of the existence of three countable objects.  It can
> > not be changed 
> Doesn't this contradict your claim that people expect to be able to 
> mutate numbers? That you should be able to do this?

This is where you continually fail.  There is no contradiction at all.
What I'm saying is that in my view, numbers CAN'T mutate; they are not
objects!  They are values, which are a means of describing objects.
Only the objects which hold the values can mutate.  However in Python
they don't, and can't, but they EASILY could with a different design.
You, however, seem to be completely stuck on Python's behavior with
regard to numeric objects, and fail to see past that.  Python's model
is only one abstraction, among multiple possibilities.

> You can't have it both ways -- if people think of objects as
> mutable, and think of numbers as not-objects and unchanging, then
> why oh why would they find Python's numeric behaviour to be
> unintuitive?

Because in Python, they ARE objects, which they think should be
mutable, but in Python when they try to change the *value* of the
object, they don't get the same object with a different value; they
get a completely different object.  This is counter to their
experience.  If you don't like the Buick example, then use algebra.
We've been down this road before, so I'm probably wasting my time...
In algebra, you don't assign a name to a value, you assign a value to
a variable.  You can, in a different problem, assign a different value
to that variable, but the variable didn't change; only its value did.
In Python, it's the opposite.

> What I think is that some people, such as you and Zaur, have *learned* 
> from C-like languages that numbers are mutable not-objects, and you've 
> learned it so well that you've forgotten that you ever needed to learn 
> it. 

No, this is precisely why I provided the real-world examples -- to
illustrate to you that there was no need to learn it in computer
science, because the concept applies in the real world quite
intuitively in every-day situations.  I think rather it is YOU who
have learned the concept in Python, and since then fail to imagine any
other possible interpretation of an object, and somehow have
completely forgotten the examples you encountered before Python, from
algebra and from the real world.

> Human beings are excellent at reifying abstract things into (imaginary) 
> objects. 

I don't know what the word "reifying" means, but irrelevant.  Such
things are abstract, and in fact not objects.

> No, the length of a car is an object which *is* a length, it doesn't 
> *have* a length.

It is not an object.  It is an abstract idea used as a description of
an object.

> None of this explains why you would expect to be able to mutate the
> value three and turn it into four.

Again, you fail.  I *DO NOT* expect that.  I expect to be able to
mutate the object m, changing its value from 3 to 4.

> I think you have confused yourself. 

No Steven, on this topic, it is only you who have been confused,
perpetually.  Although, it could be said that Python's idea of what an
object is also is itself confused...  Python (or at least the docs)
actually refrains from formally defining an object.  The docs only say
that an object has an identity, a name, and a value.  Well, OK... so 3
is an object.  You can bind a name to it... except that's not exactly
correct.  You can bind many names to it, and every time you write
something like:

m = 3

You are binding another name to the same object.  That's intuitive?
So you say.  But what is the value of 3?  Is it 3?  How can the value
of an object be the object itself?  If that were true, then the value
of the object is an object, which has a value... you have an infinite
recursion.  It's a paradox.  How could you get any more unintuitive
than that?!

In practice it's not a paradox, because the values inside numeric
objects are *not* objects.  They're numerical constants, as used by
the hardware (excepting that they are just an abstraction on top of
current, as noted before).  Python's model breaks down at that point;
it is not so with most other types of objects... their values remain
objects.  And *that* is inconsistent.  The same is true of character
data as for numeric data.  And that, I believe, is why Java treats
these as atomic data types, rather than as objects.  Because they are,
in fact.  They are types of data that the hardware knows how to deal
with, directly.  Everything else is not.

Derek D. Martin
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