kj wrote:

But now suppose that I want to factor out some code in spam/ham.py
to a helper module.  (The reason behind factoring out this new
module is to "declutter" spam/ham.py, and improve its readibility.)
My instinct (from my Perl past) is to put this factored-out code
in a file spam/ham/eggs.py, i.e. to create the "nested" module
spam.ham.eggs, which requires expanding the tree as follows

  |-- ham/
  |   |-- eggs.py
  |   `-- __init__.py
  |-- ham.py
  `-- __init__.py

...and adding the following spam/ham.py to

# spam/ham.py
from . import eggs

This doesn't work so well, because now spam/ham.py is not read.
It seems that adding the spam/ham directory, or maybe adding the
file spam/ham/__init__.py, causes spam/ham.py to be overlooked.

Clearly, I'm not playing this game right...

One way is the __init__.py answer you have already. Another is to put eggs.py (or _eggs.py to indicate that it is private) in spam and skip the ham directory.




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