Raymond Hettinger wrote:
In the first case, you would write:

yes, what I had was:

for s in iter(h.load(f)): sets.append(s)

...which I mistakenly thought was working, but in in fact boils down to Raymond's code.

The problem is that each item that h.load(f) returns *is* actually an iterable, so either of the above just ends up the contents of each set being extended onto `sets` rather than the sets themselved.

It's all really rather confusing, apologies if there's interspersed rant in here:

>>> from guppy import hpy
>>> h = hpy()

Minor rant, why do I have to instantiate a
<class 'guppy.heapy.Use._GLUECLAMP_'>
to do anything with heapy?
Why doesn't heapy just expose load, dump, etc?

(oh, and reading the code for guppy.heapy.Use and its ilk made me go temporarily blind!) ;-)

>>> f = open('copy.hpy')
>>> s = h.load(f)

Less minor rant: this applies to most things to do with heapy... Having __repr__ return the same as __str__ and having that be a long lump of text is rather annoying. If you really must, make __str__ return the big lump of text but have __repr__ return a simple, short, item containing the class, the id, and maybe the number of contained objects...


>>> id(s)
>>> len(s)
>>> s.__class__
<class guppy.heapy.Part.Stat at 0x00CD6A20>
>>> i = s[0]
>>> id(i)
>>> len(i)
>>> i.__class__
<class guppy.heapy.Part.Stat at 0x00CD6A20>

Hmmm, I'm sure there's a good reason why an item in a set has the exact same class and iterface as a whole set?

It feels like some kind of filtering, where are the docs that explain all this?



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