On Sep 14, 2009, at 1:55 AM, Robin Becker wrote:
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
pep08 : class names should be Capitalized.
Also, if you're using Python 2.x, make it:
class Primitive(object):

I find it remarkable that the most primitive classes appear to break the pep08 convention eg object, str, list etc etc. In fact all such conventions appear to be broken more often than not. So the rule appears to be "create a convention and then break it" :)

More like "break a convention and then create it." :) Before Python 2.2, built-in types were not classes at all; they couldn't be instantiated directly (from Python code), so you had to call the str() function to create an object of type "string". I think there may have been some discussion of renaming the built-ins to match PEP 8 for Python 3, but if so I doubt it got very far.



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