daved170 wrote:
On Sep 15, 2:54 pm, David Boddie <dbod...@trolltech.com> wrote:
On Tue Sep 15 12:59:35 CEST 2009, daved170 wrote:

my problem is that when start is pusshed the entire window stuck and
it's impossible to push the STOP button and even when it looks like
it's been pushed it actually don't do anything.
any idea how to fix it?
Does adding a call to the base class's __init__() method help?

class myThread(QtCore.QThread):
      self.alive =


Hi David,
I did write that line. I forgot copying it to my code here.
The problem still happens. When I kill the app only then I see the
message "stopped pushed".

any other idead?
thanks Dave

I hesitated to respond, since I don't know/use Qt.   But maybe I can help.

I suspect your problem is that the background thread is hogging all the time. The GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) doesn't handle background threads well that are CPU bound, especially if you have multiple processor cores on your system. Try adding a time.sleep(1) after each print in the background thread. And actually, I suspect that even a time.sleep(.001) would do it.



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