Hello Everybody....

I have used Qt Designer to generate a basic GUI. The file saved from Qt
Designer I named it myGUI.ui .

Now, I have to generate from myGUI.ui the ui_myGUI.py. To get this done, we
must run pyuic4, directly or via mkpuqt.py or Make PyQt. I tried to get it
done, so went into the Py25 console:


pyuic4 -o C:\dev\prgr\src\ui_myGUI.py C:\dev\prgr\src\myGUI.ui
The system cannot find the path specified.

Then to be sure, I moved the file myGUI.ui to the folder where is found the
pyuic4, and run again...


pyuic4 -o ui_myGUI.py myGUI.ui
The system cannot find the path specified.

I didn't figure out how to get it running.

I googled around and didn't find much useful material or any practical
example/setup on internet <http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/#> about
how to put the pyuic4 to generate the ui_myGUI.py.

Of course the better would be to run pyuic4 directly from the Eclipse
which I have integrated and compiling Python 2.5 and 2.6. However, no way is

What I am doing wrong, or what is missing here?

All comments or suggestions are mostly appreciated.

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