On Sep 25, 7:05 pm, Alejandro Valdez <alejandro.val...@gmail.com>
> Hello I sent this e-mail to the python-help list but I'm not sure if
> that list is active... so I post it again here:
> I'm trying to build Python 2.6.2 from the sources downloaded from the
> python official site on OpenSuSE 11.1 (32 bit). After installation the
> python command line interpreter seems to run ok, but when I try to
> install setuptools I get:
> [...]
> To compile Python I executed:
> ./configure --prefix=/home/user/python
> ./make
> ./make install
> The compile process seems to be ok, so I'm kind of clueless :-(
> Any ideas?

This is just a guess, but try configuring with:

./configure --enable-unicode=ucs4 --prefix=/home/user/python

On Linux, by default, a self-compiled Python uses UCS2
internally for its unicode support (with some support
for UTF16).  Most Linux distributions, however, distribute
a Python that uses UCS4 (aka UTF32) instead, so it seems
possible that your setuptools egg is expecting to find a
UCS4 build.


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