On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Someone Something
<fordhai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to write a little tic-tac-toe program I need a array/list such
> that I can represent the tic tac toe board with an x axis and y axis and i
> can access each square to find out whether there is an X or an O. I have
> absolutely no idea how to do this in python and I really, really, don't want
> to do this is C.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

You can use tuples as keys in a dict

R = range(3)

board = {}

# Initialize the board.
for x in R:
    for y in R:
        board[x, y] = 'O'

def board_to_string(b):
    return '\n'.join(
               ' | '.join(b[x, y] for x in R)
               for y in R

>>> print board_to_string(board)
O | O | O
O | O | O
O | O | O

>>> board[0, 1] = 'X'
>>> print board_to_string(board)
O | O | O
X | O | O
O | O | O

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