niklasr schrieb:
On Oct 8, 5:25 pm, "Diez B. Roggisch" <> wrote:
NiklasRTZ schrieb:

Hello, my basic question is which recommendation is after slight
restructuring datetime.datetime to datetime
Both works but only one should be chosen probably adjust my package to
comply to dependencies.
Spec integrated code where refactored to
set rather
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import datetime
or no matter and completely flexible (then why gae error that
datetime.datetime wasn't datetime?)
Naturally better not to customize external dependencies but seemingly
impossible to use both for a little xmpp project.
Thanks with best regards
Some remarks:

  - whitespace is significant. In python. And in posting here.

  - please show us the exact traceback you get, and a minimal example
that produces it.

  - how to import is mostly a matter of taste, as long as you refrain
from using "from datetime import *"e


type object 'datetime.datetime' has no attribute 'datetime' Traceback
(most recent call last):
is flexible, both ways worked just that self complying towards more
professional projects naturally feels right. Above error log seemingly
caused by import datetime instead of from datetime import datetime.
Then changed import and cut the first datetime occurance which looks
good but breaks next sync with other. The project is the crowdguru
xmpp chat test reachable via gae app "classifiedsmarket@
{gmail,appspot}" currently importing
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
instead of
import datetime
Many thanks for the help and all further recommendation
code disponible

I'm sorry, but this gibberish is beyond what I'm willing to decipher. Good luck with somebody else doing so & helping you.


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