Never mind. I just discovered that os.chmod requires 0755, not just 755.

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Victor Subervi <>wrote:

> Hi;
> I have the following code:
>           if 13 < x < 20:
>             y += 1
>             w += 1
>             try:
>               getpic = "getpic" + str(w) + ".py"
>               try:
>                 os.remove(getpic)
>               except:
>                 pass
>               code = """#! /usr/bin/python
> import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
> import MySQLdb
> import cgi
> import sys,os
> sys.path.append(os.getcwd())
> from login import login
> def pic():
>   user, passwd, db, host = login()
>   form = cgi.FieldStorage()
>   db = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, db=db)
>   cursor= db.cursor()
>   sql = "select pic%s from productsX where id=%s;"
>   cursor.execute(sql)
>   content = cursor.fetchone()[0]
>   cursor.close()
>   print content
> print 'Content-type: image/jpeg'
> print
> pic()
> print '</body></html>'""" % (str(w), str(w))
>               script = open(getpic, "w")
>               script.write(code)
>               print '<td><input type="hidden" name="%s" />\n' % str(x)
>               print '<img src="%s"><br /><br /></td>\n' % (getpic)
>               os.chmod(getpic, 755)
>               count2 += 1
>             except:
>               pass
> Forgive the empty except :) The problem is that the os.chmod command
> doesn't work. It's obviously in the right directory, because the script
> correctly writes there. What do?
> On another note, I find it interesting that the above revised code does in
> fact get that darned image to finally post correctly. It appears that this
> python server insists on my calling a function...that I can't simply code it
> out without defining a function. Never run into that before.
> TIA,
> Victor

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