On Sat, 30 Apr 2005 20:00:57 -0700, Qiangning Hong wrote:

> I want to make an app to help students study foreign language.  I want the
> following function in it:
> The student reads a piece of text to the microphone. The software records
> it and compares it to the wave-file pre-recorded by the teacher, and gives
> out a score to indicate the similarity between them.
> This function will help the students pronounce properly, I think.

Do you have any idea what it takes to compare two voices in a
*meaningful* fashion? This is a serious question. I can't guarantee
there is no app to help with this, but if it does exist, it either costs a
lot of money, or will be almost impossible to use for what you want
(boiling two voice samples down to a speaker-independent single similarity
number... the mind boggles at the possible number of ways of defining that).
Quite possibly both.

If you *do* know something about the math, which, by the way, is graduate
level+, then you'd do better to go look at the open source voice
recognition systems and ask on those mailing lists. 

No matter how you slice it, this is not a Python problem, this is an
intense voice recognition algorithm problem that would make a good PhD
thesis. I have no idea if it has already been done and you will likely get
much better help from such a community where people might know that. I am
aware of the CMU Sphinx project, which should get you started Googling.
Good luck; it's a great idea, but if somebody somewhere hasn't already
done it, it's an extremely tough one.

(Theoretically, it's probably not a horrid problem, but my intuition leads
me to believe that turning it into a *useful product*, that corresponds to
what humans would say is "similar", will probably be a practical
nightmare. Plus it'll be highly language dependent; a similarity algorithm
for Chinese probably won't work very well for English and vice versa. All
this, and you *could* just play the two sounds back to the human and let
their brain try to understand it... ;-) )

Waiting for the message pointing to the Sourceforge project that
implemented this three years ago... 

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