En Mon, 19 Oct 2009 05:44:14 -0200, 星星 <starstarstar...@gmail.com> escribió:

    my email smtp server hostname can be parsed to 5 ips, for example:
     my email smtp server hostname:  email-my.local.com
     ips through dns parse:

    but when i send mail using smtplib, i was always using one ip, no
dns re-resolve happened, (for example: only use I checked
smtplib src code, but i can't find anything strange;

smtplib does not issue a dns query for a MX record, if that is what you were expecting. In fact, the Python standard library does not contain any module for DNS handling.

    for i in range(1000):
        server = smtplib.SMTP(host)

Here, `host` is used directly -- whatever address gethostbyname returns. If you want load balancing among the 5 addresses above, you'll have to do it yourself:
    host = random.choice(list_of_addresses)

If you don't want to hardcode the addresses, there are a few libraries that perform DNS queries in PyPI.

Gabriel Genellina


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