Leif Biberg Kristensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 1, 2005 2:13:43 PM EDT
Subject: Re: My personal candidate for QOTW (was: Python interpreter in Basic or a Python-2-Basic translator.)

Cameron Laird skrev:

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Engineer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The security 'droids have decided that since the MS Office Suite is a
"standard" application then software written in MS Office VBA must be
"safe." Any other development environments (such as Java, Perl,

This is clear evidence supporting the theory that being in charge of
security and being able to think have no significant correlation.

And, yes: +1 QOTW from me, too.
Leif Biberg Kristensen

I see it every day. The "hangers-on" have too much invested in the MS quagmire to consider anything else. It's a political thing, and yes yet another example of Plato's "Allegory of the Cave." For example, a major financial institution offers their active trader application on Windows only, citing "security" considerations. Stamping the MS Office Suite and VBA a standard is reminiscent of HR department policy - of course you know what floats to the top in corporate (as well as government) ranks.

QOTW? Only for lack of anything more original (no disrespect intended :~)

Lee C
"God save us from those that would save us" -- my grandmother c1945

PS: Though I stick with mostly Unix anymore, I do know there are "software engineers" valiantly employing Python (in their toolbag) in the MS environment.

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