In message <>, Carsten 
Haese wrote:

> With all due respect, but if your experience is exclusive to
> MySQL/MySQLdb, your experience means very little for database
> programming practices in general.

I wonder about the veracity of your claims, because:

> And here are the corresponding results on my laptop:
> $ python -mtimeit -s "from querytest import Tester; t=Tester()"
> 't.with_params()'
> 10000 loops, best of 3: 20.9 usec per loop
> $ python -mtimeit -s "from querytest import Tester; t=Tester()"
> 't.without_params()'
> 10000 loops, best of 3: 36.2 usec per loop

Didn't you say previously that there should be a "seven orders of magnitude" 
difference? What happened to that claim?

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