On 11/2/09 3:44 PM, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> Being from germany, I can say that we *have* this fragmentation, and
> frankly: I don't like it. I prefer my communication via NNTP/ML, and not
> with those visually rather noisy and IMHO suboptimal forums. E.g. it

That's right... forums, although more "accessible" to all the people who
can't/doesn't want to use specific email or nntp clients, are quite slow
to use.

But I think Ubuntu forums support threads and are kind of "channeled"
between ML and webinterface... something like Google Groups; I think
THAT would be a good idea. What about trying to "channel"
comp.lang.python and a forum?

Alan Franzoni
contact me at pub...@[mysurname].eu

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