In <> Paul Rubin 
<http://phr...@nospam.invalid> writes:

>kj <> writes:
>> frequent* clp posters the ability to *easily* delete spam from the
>> comp.lang.python server?

>Um, this is usenet; there is no comp.lang.python server.  Are you
>saying you want a moderated newsgroup?  Hmm, maybe this group is busy
>enough that there is some merit to that idea.

Sorry, I had a mistaken view of how usenet was implemented.  But
yeah, I guess I'm thinking of a moderated newsgroup, but with a
large number of moderators working in parallel, and a very lax
acceptance policy.  The goal is to filter out only the obvious
spam, and let through all the other non-spam traffic as quickly as
possible...  What do I mean by "obvious spam"?  Well, among the
most recent messages (that have survived my killfile policies) I
see the following subject lines:

* Top 10 US mp3 songs.....Cheers
* cheaper nike shoes g-satr kidrobot hoodies ed hardy star red 
monkey gino green global true religion ed-hardy kidrobot jeans hoodies china 
supplier wholesaler exporters,manufacture
* "jobs in france" "jobs in france for english people" "jobs in france for 
foreigners" "jobs in france for australians" "jobs in france for foreigners " 
"jobs in france for new zealanders" "jobs" "paris jobs" http://jobs-in-fr
* "germany jobs" "germany job sites" "germany job search" "jobs in germany" 
"german jobs" "germany jobs it" "germany jobs for foreigners" "germany jobsite" 
"germany jobs in english" on

Those look pretty obvious to me.

But, as I already showed, I'm out of my depth here,
so I'd better shut up.


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