On Nov 28, 6:15 pm, J <dreadpiratej...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok... so I've been re-teaching myself python, as it's been several
> years since I last really used it.  And in the midst of this, my
> contracting company came up to me on Friday and asked if I'd be
> interested in filling a last minute vacancy in this:
> http://www.otg-nc.com/python-bootcamp
> It's a week long Python Bootcamp.  I figured, free class, a week where
> I'll not have to actually go to work, AND I'll get paid, suore!

I have never been, but it seems like a no-brainer to attend.  Even if
the class totally sucks, which I doubt, you will also have the
opportunity to network with people with similar interests.

If your ONLY objective in life was to learn Python, then I would
recommend just hitting the books.


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