On Thu, 03 Dec 2009 10:13:14 -0500, Carsten Haese wrote:

> Victor Subervi wrote:
>> I believe I mentioned in my first post that the "print test" does print
>> the exact fields being called from the referring page.
> Was any part of "What do the print statements actually print? Please
> copy and paste their output." unclear to you in any way?
>> Perhaps this
>> is a bug in the cgi interface?
> Unlikely.
> It's much more likely that whatever frankencode you stitched together
> from examples you found on the internet without understanding how they
> work is doing something unexpected, and you are unable to diagnose the
> problem because you don't understand how your code works.

Oh come on, how likely is that??? It's much more likely that the original 
poster has discovered a bug in the standard library that thousands of 
users before him never noticed!



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