Hi all,

I posted the following on the python tutor list 3 days ago ... and 
haven't heard a peep from anyone - which is highly unusual on that list.

[Apologies for the slightly longer post due to code
with tests cases included at the end .]
I have created a "severely restricted" environment within with
users can learn the basics of programming in Python.

[note: eval, exec, chr, input, raw_input are not allowed.]

Within that environment, I want to have the user test the five
valid forms that an import statement can have, by attempting to
import a fake module whose name is "useful".  Other "import"
statements are disallowed.

1. import useful
2. from useful import *
3. from useful import valid_function1 [, valid_function2, ...]
4. from useful import valid_function as better_named_function
5. import useful as not_so_useful_after_all

As far as I can tell, the following works, but it looks rather
"clunky" to me.  My *very limited* experience with the
"re" module may have something to do with this.

Any suggestion would be most welcome.


=======Here's the code formatted (fingers crossed) to work if cut and
pasted from email =========================

# test_import.py

import re

isolate_words = re.compile(r'\W+')  # used with .split()

# pre-compiled some regular expression with allowable use of "import"

imp_use = re.compile('^import useful', re.MULTILINE)
imp_use_as = re.compile('^import useful as (\w+)', re.MULTILINE)
from_use_imp_star = re.compile('^from useful import \*', re.MULTILINE)
from_use_imp_names = re.compile(
                             "^from useful import (\w+(,[ ]*\w+)*)",
from_use_imp_as = re.compile(
                    "^from useful import (\w+) as (\w+)",

# In the following, "r" is used so that \b identifies a word boundary,
# and is not interpreted as backslash by Python.

import_misuse = re.compile(r'\bimport\b', re.MULTILINE)

# use to commenting out the valid "import" statements after processed.

comment_from = re.compile('^from ', re.MULTILINE)
comment_import = re.compile('^import ', re.MULTILINE)

# Create a fake module which can be "imported"

right = "turn_right():\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n\n"

around = "turn_around():\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n\n"

up_east = "climb_up_east():\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n"+\
          "    move()\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n\n"

up_west = "climb_up_west():\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n"+\
          "    move()\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n\n"

down_west =  "climb_down_west():\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n"+\
          "    move()\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n\n"

down_east =  "climb_down_east():\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n"+\
          "    move()\n"+\
          "    turn_left()\n\n"

commands = {'turn_right': right, 'turn_around': around,
              'climb_up_east': up_east, 'climb_up_west': up_west,
              'climb_down_east': down_east, 'climb_down_west': down_west}

#=== end of info on fake module

# The following fonctions are helper functions to
# process the "import" statement:
# they add the appropriate "imported commands"
# before the "import" statement,
# before commenting out (by pre-pending #) the "import" statement line

def import_useful():
      added_text = ''
      for instruction in commands:
          new = "def " + 'useful.' + commands[instruction]
          added_text += new
      return added_text, True

def from_useful_import_star():
      added_text = ''
      for instruction in commands:
          new = "def " + commands[instruction]
          added_text += new
      return added_text, True

def import_useful_as(syn):
      added_text = ''
      for instruction in commands:
          new = "def " + syn + '.' + commands[instruction]
          added_text += new
      return added_text, True

def from_useful_import_names(names):
      added_text = ''
      for instruction in isolate_words.split(names):
              new = "def " + commands[instruction]
              print instruction, " not found in module useful"
          added_text += new
      return added_text, True

def from_useful_import_as(name, syn):
      added_text = ''
          new = "def " + commands[name].replace(name, syn)
          print name, " not found in module useful"
      added_text += new
      return added_text, True

def process_no_import():
      added_text = ''
      return added_text, True

# the basic processing function

def process_file(file_text):
      if imp_use_as.search(file_text): # look for "import useful as ..."
          syn = imp_use_as.findall(file_text)
          added_text, safe_import_flag = import_useful_as(syn[0])
          file_text = comment_import.sub('#import ', file_text)
      elif imp_use.search(file_text):  # perhaps the "as ..." part is
                                       # missing
          added_text, safe_import_flag = import_useful()
          file_text = comment_import.sub('#import ', file_text)
      elif from_use_imp_star.search(file_text):
          added_text, safe_import_flag = from_useful_import_star()
          file_text = comment_from.sub('#from ', file_text)
      elif from_use_imp_as.search(file_text):
          names = from_use_imp_as.findall(file_text)
          name = names[0][0]
          syn = names[0][1]
          added_text, safe_import_flag = from_useful_import_as(name, syn)
          file_text = comment_from.sub('#from ', file_text)
      elif from_use_imp_names.search(file_text):
          names = from_use_imp_names.findall(file_text)
          added_text, safe_import_flag = \
          file_text = comment_from.sub('#from ', file_text)
      elif import_misuse.search(file_text):
          safe_import_flag = False
          file_text = ''   # remove it all
          added_text = '# import keyword used improperly'
          added_text = ''
          safe_import_flag = True  # nothing found

      added_text += file_text
      return added_text, safe_import_flag

#======== Various test cases == only self-testing stuff follows

test1 = '''# test1: no import
other instructions'''

test2 = '''# test2
import useful
other instructions'''

test3 = '''# test3
from useful import *
other instructions'''

test4 = '''# test4
from useful import turn_around, turn_right, climb_up_east
other instructions'''

test5 = '''# test5
import useful as use
other instructions'''

test6 = '''# test6
from useful import turn_right
other instructions'''

test7 = '''# test6
from useful import turn_right
other instructions'''

test8 = '''# test8
from useful import turn_right as vire_a_droite
other instructions'''

test9 = '''# test9
import sys
other instructions'''

test10 = '''# test10
from sys import *
other instructions'''

test11 = '''# test11
# import in comment
import useful
other instructions'''

test12 = '''# test12
important test'''

test13 = '''# test 13
import useful
# import sys
other instructions'''

test14 = '''# test14: two import statements; good one first
import useful
import sys
other instructions'''

test15 = '''# test15: two import statements; bad one first
import useful
import sys
other instructions'''

test16 = '''# test16: bad import, indented

          import sys
other instructions'''

if __name__ == "__main__":
      print "=====begin 1: no import======"
      added_text, safe_import_flag = process_file(test1)
      print added_text
      print "safe import flag = ", safe_import_flag
      print "=====begin 2======"
      added_text, safe_import_flag = process_file(test2)
      print added_text
      print "safe import flag = ", safe_import_flag
      print "=====begin 3======"
      added_text, safe_import_flag = process_file(test3)
      print added_text
      print "safe import flag = ", safe_import_flag
      print "=====begin 4======"
      added_text, safe_import_flag = process_file(test4)
      print added_text
      print "safe import flag = ", safe_import_flag
      print "=====begin 5======"
      added_text, safe_import_flag = process_file(test5)
      print added_text
      print "safe import flag = ", safe_import_flag
      print "=====begin 6======"
      added_text, safe_import_flag = process_file(test6)
      print added_text
      print "safe import flag = ", safe_import_flag
      print "=====begin 7======"
      added_text, safe_import_flag = process_file(test7)
      print added_text
      print "safe import flag = ", safe_import_flag
      print "=====begin 8======"
      added_text, safe_import_flag = process_file(test8)
      print added_text
      print "safe import flag = ", safe_import_flag
      print "=====begin 9: import not allowed======"
      added_text, safe_import_flag = process_file(test9)
      print added_text
      print "safe import flag = ", safe_import_flag
      print "=====begin 10: import not allowed======"
      added_text, safe_import_flag = process_file(test10)
      print added_text
      print "safe import flag = ", safe_import_flag
      print "=====begin 11: import ok in text and import in comment======"
      added_text, safe_import_flag = process_file(test11)
      print added_text
      print "safe import flag = ", safe_import_flag
      print "=====begin 12: word used: important; should be ok ======"
      added_text, safe_import_flag = process_file(test12)
      print added_text
      print "safe import flag = ", safe_import_flag
      print "=====begin 13: 2nd import in comment ======"
      added_text, safe_import_flag = process_file(test13)
      print added_text
      print "safe import flag = ", safe_import_flag
      print "=====begin 14: two import statements; good one first ======"
      added_text, safe_import_flag = process_file(test14)
      print added_text
      print "safe import flag = ", safe_import_flag
      print "=====begin 15: two import statements; bad one first ======"
      added_text, safe_import_flag = process_file(test15)
      print added_text
      print "safe import flag = ", safe_import_flag
      print "=====begin 16: bad import, indented ======"
      added_text, safe_import_flag = process_file(test16)
      print added_text
      print "safe import flag = ", safe_import_flag
      print "====="
      wait = input("Press enter to exit.")


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