On Dec 5, 9:57 pm, "W. eWatson" <wolftra...@invalid.com> wrote:
>          s = self.current_path
s referred to something ...
>          s = "Analysis"
but now s refers to "Analysis" ... at best, there is redundant &
confusing code; at worst, the source of your problem.

>          s = os.path.join("Analysis",s)
and now s refers to r"Analysis\Analysis" (on your platform)
>          print "s joined ",s    <------------- debug print


> There is no file created, just the folders Analysis\Analysis. One too
> many. The second Analysis shows as an icon for a file of size 0KB.
> I printed with the debug print above:
>    Path for Histogram Events\v20070206_055012.06.dat
>    s joined  
> Analysis\Analysis should only be Analysis.

Huh?? s = os.path.join("fubar", "fubar") should produce r"fubar
\fubar" (as documented) ... If you don't want s to refer to r"Analysis
\Analysis", then quite simply don't do that!


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