On 2009-12-08, Martin P. Hellwig <martin.hell...@dcuktec.org> wrote:

> - In the ideal world, a upgrade of a dependency won't break
>   your program, in reality users fear upgrading dependencies
>   because they don't know for sure it won't result in a dll
>   hell type of problem.

In my experience with binary-based distros (RedHat, Windows,
Debian, etc.), upgrading libraries broke things as often as
not.  I've had significantly better results with Gentoo.
However, were I shipping a significant product that dependended
up updates to external libraries, I'd be very worried.

It also seems like a lot of work to provide the product in all
of the different package-management formats used by customers.
Even considering the extra updates that might be required for
library fixes, shipping a single stand-alone system sounds like
a lot less work.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! JAPAN is a WONDERFUL
                                  at               planet -- I wonder if we'll
                               visi.com            ever reach their level of
                                                   COMPARATIVE SHOPPING ...

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