to code a web page which connects to a database and displays some rows, what 
minimum software and libraries i should install?

python 2.6, mysql 5.0, apache 2.2 and Django? thats enough?

From: Stephen Hansen <>
To: Simon Moses <>
Sent: Mon, 21 December, 2009 1:37:38 PM
Subject: Re: web development in python 2.6 and 3.0

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 9:22 AM, Simon Moses <> wrote:

>i am new to python but have programming experience in few other languages. 
>i am trying to start with python 2.6 or 3.0. my requirement is accessing 
>database (mysql and/or postgresql) and web development. 
>what all i should install for my requirement?
>to connect to database (mysql and/or postgresql)
>for web development

3.0 is a bit hard right now as there are a lot of libraries that have not yet 
been ported which may be required for certain frameworks, but this question is 
a bit hard on its own to answer... because you have a lot of choices :)

For 2.6, what's your requirements? What's "web development" for you, ie what 
kind of development on the web are you talking about doing? If you're looking 
to do a database-driven web app, I've seen both Django and web2py in use and 
both have active communities and seem to be quite mature and interesting. 

But there's a lot of other options. Personally, I'm using Pylons and am very 
happy with it-- its a bit more low-level but that makes it better for me 
because I'm integrating it into an existing non-web based system. Then there's 
TurboGears which is built on top of Pylons in its 2.0 version, but a bit more 
focused on the end goal of providing a complete solution instead of a complete 
set of tools for you to make a solution out of. (That might be woefully 
mischaracterizing their perspectives on my part, if so I apologize!)

Depending on what you need to do, there's for sure a framework for you to make 
life easier out there. At the moment, Python seems to have a million solutions 
to this problem and all seem quite interesting in their own regard. Then again, 
you could go retro and skip the framework and just use what's in the standard 
library and make CGI scripts... but doing it the cave-man way will make you 
seem less cool :)

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