On 12/23/2009 11:02 PM, Zubin Mithra wrote:

I`m pretty new to developing applications using python and i would
like advance on this script i recently created which helps linux
programmers on the linux terminal. The code is very simple to
understand(i hope) and serves a simple purpose; however i am not sure
if my way of scripting is the right "pythonic" way of doing it.

The package can be found at www.code.google.com/p/pyautorun

I`d love any feedback, ideas and criticism after a code review. Thank
you in advance.

Zubin Mithra

- you should look at os.path.exists(), os.path.splitext()
- try to use %-interpolation or .format(); the code would look much nicer and much more readable. Tips: store the format string in the dict; then you can just do something like fmt % {'infile': infile, 'outfile': outfile} - don't put comments on the right of the code; its ugly. Move it above the code being described.

PS: it's extension not extention

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