Ben Finney wrote:
"W. eWatson" <> writes:

Lie Ryan wrote:
what's strange about it? the difference between 2009/01/02 13:01:15
and 2009/01/04 13:01:15 is indeed 2 days... Can you elaborate what
do you mean by 'strange'?

Easily. In one case, it produces a one argument funcion, and the other
2, possibly even a year if that differs.

In both cases it produces not a function, but a ‘datetime.timedelta’

    >>> import datetime
    >>> t1 = datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 2, 13, 1, 15)
    >>> t2 = datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 4, 13, 1, 15)
    >>> type(t1)
    <type 'datetime.datetime'>
    >>> type(t2)
    <type 'datetime.datetime'>

    >>> dt = (t2 - t1)
    >>> type(dt)
    <type 'datetime.timedelta'>

What you're seeing in the interactive interpreter is a string
representation of the object::

    >>> dt

This is no different from what's going on with any other string
representation. The representation is not the value.

How does one "unload" this structure to get the seconds and days?

It's customary to consult the documentation for questions like that

To find the difference more clearly. Why not just return (0,2,3555)

Because the ‘datetime.timedelta’ type is more flexible than a tuple, and
has named attributes as documented at the above URL::

    >>> dt.days
    >>> dt.seconds
    >>> dt.microseconds

Well, it just seems weird to me. <g>. I'm modestly familiar with objects, but this seems like doing the following.

Suppose we have a module called trigonometry, trig for short. It contains lots of trig functions, and sort of uses the same concepts as datetime. Bear with me on that. Here's my imagined interpretive session:

>> import trig
>> c=trig.sin(90.0) # arg is in degrees
>> print c
>> type(c)
<type 'trig'>
>> value = c.value
>> print value
I'd call that weird. Maybe in this case it is ... <g>


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