On 29 Dic, 00:54, Joel Davis <callmeclaud...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm just curious if anyone knows of a way to get the variable name of
> a reference passed to the function.
> Put another way, in the example:
>   def MyFunc ( varPassed ):
>      print varPassed;
>   MyFunc(nwVar)
> how would I get the string "nwVar" from inside of "MyFunc"? is it
> possible?

The following code shows one way to get both function name and
argument names from inside a function using module inspect in python

import inspect

def myfunc(arg1, arg2):
    f = inspect.currentframe()
    funcname = inspect.getframeinfo(f).function
    numargs =  f.f_code.co_argcount
    argnames = f.f_code.co_varnames[:numargs]
    print funcname, argnames

myfunc(1, "ppp")

NOTE: it does not list parameters passed as list (*args) or as dict

P.S . I use this to generate automatically trace messages of type
"called myfunc( arg1=1, arg2=ppp" ).
But I currently lack  a way, from inside a method, to determine the
name of the class to which the
method belong, so I could automatically generate trace messages of
type "class.method called etc ...".
Pointers are welcome.


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