On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 1:10 AM, Carsten Haese <carsten.ha...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Victor Subervi wrote:
> > You know, neither one of those tutorials I followed gave clear, or any,
> > instruction about putting a
> > print cookie
> > statement in the header! How misleading!
> Don't blame the tutorials for your failure to read them carefully. The
> tutorial you mentioned
> (http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/Cookie/index.html) says the
> following right at the beginning: "The Cookie module defines classes for
> parsing and creating HTTP cookie *headers*." [Emphasis mine.]
> Further down it says: "The output is a valid Set-Cookie *header* ready
> to be passed to the client as part of the HTTP response." [Emphasis
> mine.] You even copy-and-pasted a snippet containing that very sentence
> into an earlier post on this thread, so how you can now claim that the
> tutorial didn't mention this is quite beyond me.

I see your point. It wasn't, however, clear to me. Probably my own problem.

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