2010-01-04, 22:54:41 Chris Rebert <c...@rebertia.com> wrote:

name2drink = {}
for booze in liquors:
    for juice in juices:
        name = juice +" "+booze # or however you're naming them
        drink = Bottle(booze, juice)
        name2drink[name] = drink

@Nav: ...and if you really desire to have those objects in global
(module's) namespace, you can do that:

    global_namespace = globals()
    for booze in liquors:
        for juice in juices:
            name = '{0}_with_{1}_juice'.format(booze, juice)
            drink = Bottle(booze, juice)
            global_namespace[name] = drink

    # then you have them in module's namespace
    wine_with_apple.rating = 0.9

Though in most cases it'd be not necessary.


PS. Another way to express practically the same:

    from itertools import product

    globals().update(('{0}_with_{1}_juice'.format(booze, juice),
                      Bottle(booze, juice))
                     for booze, juice in product(liquors, juices))

Jan Kaliszewski (zuo) <z...@chopin.edu.pl>

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