Alan Harris-Reid schrieb:


Does anyone know where I can find any decent dynamically-constructed HTML control classes (dropdown list, table, input field, checkbox, etc.) written in Python. For example, for a HTML table I would like something like...

MyTable = html_table()       # instantiate class = data_list # data-list (eg. cursor from SQL SELECT statement) MyTable.border = 1 MyTable.width = 987 MyTable.column_headers = col_headers # list or tuple of column-headers table_code = MyTable.table.create() # returns string containing appropriate HTML code

I don't mind writing my own classes (it will be good practice for me), but I don't want to re-invent the wheel if it can be avoided.

Maybe toscawidgets is for you, it has a lot of additional features such as static dependency declaration & injection.

For a form within a table, it would look like this:

table_form = TableForm("table_form",
fields=[SingleSelectField("foo", options=["A", "B", "C"]), action="/some/action", method="GET")



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