See Subject. The code is below with a few changes I made at the bottom by inserting
    import string
    import numpy

    module = raw_input("Enter module name: ")

I thought I'd see if I could convert this to a program instead, which asks the user for the module.

As prompt entry, it was meant to do this, for example:

import math
import pynum

As below, it fails with:

Is it possible to get this to work?
Enter module name: numpy
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Sandia_Meteors/Sentinel_Development/Learn_Python/", line 31, in <module>
File "C:/Sandia_Meteors/Sentinel_Development/Learn_Python/", line 8, in listing
    print "name:", module.__name__, "file:", module.__file__
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '__name__
============================mydir start===========
# a module that lists the namespaces of other modules

verbose = 1

def listing(module):
    if verbose:
        print "-"*30
        print "name:", module.__name__, "file:", module.__file__
        print "-"*30

    count = 0
    for attr in module.__dict__.keys():      # scan namespace
        print "%02d) %s" % (count, attr),
        if attr[0:2] == "__":
            print "<built-in name>"          # skip __file__, etc.
            print getattr(module, attr)      # same as .__dict__[attr]
        count = count+1

    if verbose:
        print "-"*30
        print module.__name__, "has %d names" % count
        print "-"*30

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import mydir
    import string
    import numpy

    module = raw_input("Enter module name: ")
    #listing(mydir)      # self-test code: list myself

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