On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:54 AM, Waddle, Jim <jim.wad...@boeing.com> wrote:
> I need to use ctypes with python running on AIX.

According to the ctypes readme, ctypes is based on libffi, which
according to its website, supports AIX for PowerPC64.
So, perhaps you could state what the actual error or problem you're
encountering is?
It is theoretically possible the ctypes-bundled libffi is either
outdated or had the AIX-specific bits removed; I don't know, I'm not a
CPython dev.

> It appears that python is being developed mostly for windows.

No, not really; your statement is especially ironic considering one of
Python's primary areas of use is for web applications as part of a
LAMP stack.

> Is there a policy concerning getting functions like ctypes working on AIX.

No idea. Someone will probably chime in though.


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