Am 25.01.10 21:49, schrieb AlexM:
On Jan 25, 2:37 pm, "Alf P. Steinbach"<>  wrote:
* AlexM:

On Jan 25, 2:07 pm, Terry Reedy<>  wrote:
On 1/25/2010 2:05 PM, Alexander Moibenko wrote:

I have a simple question to which I could not find an answer.
Because it has no finite answer

What is the total maximal size of list including size of its elements?
In theory, unbounded. In practice, limited by the memory of the interpreter.

The maximum # of elements depends on the interpreter. Each element can
be a list whose maximum # of elements ..... and recursively so on...

Terry Jan Reedy

I am not asking about maximum numbers of elements I am asking about
total maximal size of list including size of its elements. In other
if size of each list element is ELEMENT_SIZE and all elements have the
same size what would be the maximal number of these elements in 32 -
bit architecture?
I see 3 GB, and wonder why? Why not 2 GB or not 4 GB?

At a guess you were running this in 32-bit Windows. By default it reserves the
upper two gig of address space for mapping system DLLs. It can be configured to
use just 1 gig for that, and it seems like your system is, or you're using some
other system with that kind of behavior, or, it's just arbitrary...

Cheers&  hth.,

- Alf (by what mechanism do socks disappear from the washer?)

No, it is 32-bit Linux.

I already answered that (as did Alf, the principle applies for both OSs) - kernel memory space is mapped into the address-space, reducing it by 1 or 2 GB.


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