* alex23:
"Alf P. Steinbach" <al...@start.no> wrote:
Actually not, IMHO. All it does is is to provide incompatibility. They forgot
Ronald Reagan's old maxim: if it don't need fixin', don't fix it.
Probably there must have been some rationale, but to put it bluntly removing the
comparator is more like moronic than pythonic.

So in both cases, you haven't put any effort into researching why
these decisions were made, but you're happy to jump to conclusions
about the intelligence of the implementer(s) while regularly trotting
out complaints of ad hominem attacks against yourself.

The saddest part of all is you seem to consider yourself some kind of

Hi "alex23".

Ad hominem attacks like you try above, just reflect on the one doing it.

Adding in some obviously false assertions just makes you look even worse.

And posting anonymously, well, that article's got it all.

Such attacks constitute noise and, except for how they reflect on you, only 

Cheers & hth.,

- Alf

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