Tracubik <> wrote:

>i want to print on linux console (terminal) a message like this one:
>error message of variable lenght
>to print the asterisks line i do this:
>def StringOfAsterisks(myString):
>    asterisksString = "*"
>    for i in range(1,len(myString):
>       asterisksString += "*"
>    print asterisksString

def StringOfAsterisks(myString):
    print(''.ljust(len(myString), '*'))

You might use string methods .rjust() or .center() instead of method 

>the code seem to work for me, but it doesn't work properly if in errorMsg 
>there is some "esotic" char like euro char (€):
>>>> euro = "€"
>>>> len(euro)

Maybe you might solve this if you decode your string to unicode.

|>>> euro = "€"
|>>> len(euro)
|>>> u_euro = euro.decode('utf_8')
|>>> len(u_euro)

Adapt the encoding ('utf_8' in my example) to whatever you use.

Or create the unicode string directly:

|>>> u_euro = u'€'
|>>> len(u_euro)

Best regards,


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