On Wed, 03 Feb 2010 21:33:08 -0600, Michael Gruenstaeudl wrote:

> I am fairly new to Python and need advice on the urllib.urlopen()  
> function. The website I am trying to open automatically refreshes  
> after 5 seconds and remains stable thereafter. With  
> urllib.urlopen().read() I can only read the initial but not the  
> refreshed page. How can I access the refreshed page via  
> urlopen().read()? I have already tried to intermediate with  
> time.sleep() before invoking .read() (see below), but this does not  
> work.

In all probability, the server is instructing the browser to load a
different URL via either a Refresh: header or a <meta http-equiv="refresh">
tag in the page. You will have to retrieve that information then issue a
request for the new URL.

It might even be redirecting via JavaScript, in which case, you lose (it's
possible to handle this case, but it's difficult).


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