Hi Laszlo,

I use Wing IDE (not free, $35 for personal edition) and PyScripter (free). I find both good, for different reasons.



Laszlo Nagy wrote:

  Hi All,

I know that this question was put up on this list a thousand times. I know that most of the editors are listed here: http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEditors

I already tried most of them. But still, I need something that is not listed there. Requirements:

    * starts and works fast
    * has code folding, displays identation guides
    * auto completion
    * class browser
    * source code browser (e.g. a list of definitions, when you click
      it jumps to the definition
    * integration with pychecker or pylint
    * UTF-8 files
    * free, or not-so-expensive
    * works on linux and windows

The one I'm using now is Geany. It does everything, except class browser and pychecker/pylint. Now maybe, I can install (or write??) a geany extension that would allow me to use pychecker. But I could not find information on that. There where others I tried (PyPE, DrPython, KomodoEdit, Editra etc.) but all of them failed for some reason. Can you please suggest another editor that I could try? Or send me a link that tells how to write or install pychecked plugin for Geany.




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