> I am pleased to announce the first public release of obfuscate 0.2.2a.
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/obfuscate/0.2.2a
> obfuscate is a pure-Python module providing classical encryption
> algorithms suitable for obfuscating and unobfuscating text.
> obfuscate includes the following ciphers:
>  - Caesar, rot13, rot5, rot18, rot47
>  - atbash
>  - Playfair, Playfair6 and Playfair16
>  - Railfence (encryption only)
>  - Keyword
>  - Affine
>  - Vigenere
>  - frob (xor)
> and others.
> DISCLAIMER: obfuscate is not cryptographically strong, and should not be
> used where high security is required. (The ciphers provided in obfuscate
> may have been state of the art centuries ago, but should not be used
> where strong encryption is required.
> obfuscate is released under the MIT licence.
> Requires Python 2.5 or 2.6.

Great, these packages are badly needed!

If the code base stabilizes in a production version after losing the
alphas and betas they would be a great addition to the stdlib, I


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