On 2/16/2010 7:30 AM, Robert Kern wrote:
On 2010-02-16 06:16 AM, W. eWatson wrote:
I normally use IDLE on Win, but recently needed to go to command prompt
to see all error messages. When I did, I was greeted by a host of
deprecation and Numpy messages before things got running. The program
otherwise functioned OK, after I found the problem I was after. Are
these messages a warning to get to the next update of numpy?

I would guess that updating to a higher update does not mean I need to
remove the old one, correct?

In general for libraries like numpy or scipy, I use win32 updates, but I
see win32-p3 updates too on download pages. Since I may be distributing
this program to p3 machines, will I need to provide the win32-p3 updates
to those users?

You will definitely want to ask these questions on the numpy-discussion
mailing list. They are numpy-specific. Please copy-and-paste the
messages that you get.


Good idea, for the first part of this. I would think "In genera for ..." would be answerable here, but I'll give them both a shot.

I'll post what I find here, as a follow up.

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