Hi people,

I'm trying my first little app to create a small, simple application in
Python (just to see how PyQt works and all) and I seem to get stuck. I
want to make a front-end for ImageMagick's convert for my dad. He
usually wants to send people pictures he made with his digital camera
and he needs those smaller. So I want him to be able to select a
directory and click a button to have the python-script automagically
call convert to resize the images. (Maybe later I'll make it fully
python, but this is just a test.)

But I can't find any Qt widget that enables me to browse for a
directory! I'm using qt-designer v.3.2 (from Mandriva Linux 2005LE).
Can anyone tell me where how to add a directory-browser to my little

I've searched the Qt manual, but it's not in there. There doesn't seem
to be a reference for PyQt (none that I can find, any way), so I'm
stuck here...

Thanks in advance for your time.

Kind regards,
Tim Stoop


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