On Mar 13, 9:05 am, vsoler <vicente.so...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Say that "m" is a tuple of 2-tuples
> m=(('as',3), ('ab',5), (None, 1), ('as',None), ('as',6))
> and I need to build a "d" dict where each key has an associated list
> whose first element is the count, and the second is the sum. If a 2-
> tuple contains a None value, it should be discarded.
> The expected result is:
> d={'as':[2, 9], 'ab': [1,5]}
> How should I proceed? So far I have been unsuccessful. I have tried
> with a "for" loop.

Post your first try at a for loop, and people might be willing to
point out problems, but this is such a basic for loop that it is
unlikely that anybody is going to write your ENTIRE homework for you.


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