On 23/03/2010 20:04, geremy condra wrote:
On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 1:07 PM, Tim Golden<m...@timgolden.me.uk>  wrote:
On 23/03/2010 16:55, Jose Manuel wrote:
Would it be easy to integrate Python in Web pages with HTML? I have
read many info on Internet saying it is, and I hope so ....

You probably want to be looking at IronPython and Silverlight.
In fact, the prolific Michael Foord has already produced an
example of this, which gives you the Python tutorial online!



Granted that I know next to nothing about webwork, but
is there a reason why you recommended a competing,
nonstandard technology rather than simply pointing him
towards more standards compliant tools that exist to do
exactly what he asked for? Seems a bit dodgy to
advocate a closed solution when the alternative has 100%
market share.

I can't say I thought *very* hard before sending that but...
The OP asked for "integrate Python in Web Pages with HTML"
which I understood -- perhaps wrongly -- to mean: run Python
in the browser. The only two ways I'm aware of doing that
in Python are the undersupported Python-as-IE-scripting-language
and IronPython/Silverlight.

Now I look again, I realise that he may have meant simply:
Python as a server-side toolset with possible support for
Javascript. In which case, of course, my answer was not
so applicable.


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