Gilles Ganault a écrit :
On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 12:41:56 +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers
<bruno.42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid> wrote:
The PHP execution model (mostly based on CGI FWIW) tends to be a bit unpractical for non-trivial applications since you have to rebuild the whole world for each and any incoming request, while with a long-running process, you load all your libs, parse your config etc only once.

Apart from the ease of having the application run at all times, I'd be
curious to read about an application that was written in PHP and then
a long-running process and see if performance improved.

I'm not sure there's a way to do such a thing in PHP, at least in a way that wouldn't make the whole benchmark totally meaningless. And trying to compare a PHP app with a similar non-PHP would also be (mostly) meaningless.

Now there are a couple Symfony / Django benchmarks around (Symfony being probably the closest thing to Django in the PHP world). They are just as reliable as most benchmarks (that is, at best a rough indicator once you understand what's effectively being measured), but it seems that they confirm the empirical evidence that PHP is not well suited for such "heavy" OO frameworks.

Regardless, Python has an easier syntax, so AFAIC, that's already a
good enough reason to use this to write web apps.

Indeed !-)

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